Young People 16-25

Online wellbeing programs for anxiety and low mood: what are young people’s preferences, experiences and views?

Anxiety • Interventions • Low mood • Mental health services • Wellbeing • Young people

What’s the project?

This study aims to explore how young people feel about two different well-being programs: Bite Back and Project YES. The research team based at the University of Bristol are particularly interested in learning how young people use these programs, how engaging you find them, and how useful you think these programs are in improving well-being.


About the mental health platforms:

  1. Bite Back

Bite Back is a website with short sessions that has been shown to improve young people’s well-being.

  1. Project YES

Project YES is a website offering a choice of short sessions that have been shown to improve young people’s mental health.

By participating, you will help the research tea better understand young people’s preferences and experiences with these platforms. Your insights will contribute to the future development and improvement of digital mental health programs.

This study has been approved by the School of Psychological Science Research Ethics Committee at the University of Bristol.

Find out more

The team would like to recruit around 10 young people to join our study. Here’s how it will work:

  • First, the team will ask you to answer some basic questions about yourself (e.g., age, ethnicity, and your parents’ education level).
  • If you’re a good fit, they will invite you to a short video call where you’ll show us a photo ID to confirm your age and country of residence. (The research team won’t store this information anywhere.)
  • You’ll then receive links to the two mental health programs, which the team will ask you to explore over approximately two weeks.
  • After that, the team will schedule a one-hour, one-on-one online chat (via Microsoft Teams) to hear your thoughts about the programs. This chat will be recorded to ensure they don’t miss anything important. All recordings and personal information will be kept safe and secure.

You can take part if:

  • You’re between 16 and 18 years old,
  • You currently live in the UK,
  • You have access to a smartphone or a laptop with a stable internet connection.

Note: If you are currently experiencing serious mental health challenges, this study might not be the best fit for you. The team encourages you to seek support from a trusted adult or a mental health professional.

You’ll have the opportunity to try Bite Back and Project YES, which are designed to support young people’s well-being. You will also get a £20 Love2shop voucher as a thank you for your participation.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please email[email protected] with brief answers to the following questions:

  1. What is your name? 
  2. What is your date of birth?


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4pm on Friday the 28th of February 2025

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