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10 for 10: Wellbeing at Work podcast
In this podcast we talk to three mentors and three mentees from the McPin mentoring scheme about the benefits it can bring to both the workforce and its employees - inside and outside of work.
10 for 10 • Wellbeing
10 for 10: Wellbeing at Work
Explore what wellbeing at work means at McPin with this vibrant visual with tips on how to create safe, respectful and fulfilling work environments.
10 for 10 • Wellbeing
In conversation: Why mental health research matters to Paul Farmer, former CEO at Mind
From the #MentalHealthResearchMatters campaign - talking about why mental health research matters to Paul Farmer, former CEO at Mind
Mental health services • Research methods • Wellbeing
Why does mental health research matter to young people?
From the #MentalHealthResearchMatters campaign - while at TRIUMPH Fest in Edinburgh we asked young people why #MentalHealthResearchMatters to them
Mental health services • Research methods • Wellbeing • Young people
How do we improve mental health research?
From the #MentalHealthResearchMatters campaign - a video looking at how we can improve mental health research
Mental health services • Research methods • Wellbeing
Why does mental health research matter?
From the #MentalHealthResearchMatters campaign - a video looking at why we need more and better mental health research so people can live happier and mentally healthy lives
Mental health services • Research methods • Wellbeing