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Project tackling youth violence presents research to the Minister for Children, Families and Wellbeing

On 21st January the young people in our Peer Action Collective project present research findings into school exclusions and youth violence to Janet Daby MP at Tottenham Town Hall.
Education • Young people
Young People 16-25

Online wellbeing programs for anxiety and low mood: what are young people’s preferences, experiences and views?

Anxiety • Interventions

Which are your most important sleep & mental health questions?

In our first survey you let us know what questions were on your mind around sleep, the body clock and mental health - now you can let us know which research should prioritise.
Young People 16-25

Join the Hub for Metabolic Psychiatry Lived Experience Advisory Panel

Join a Lived Experience Advisory Panel for people aged 16-25 with lived experience of severe mental illness and reduced metabolic health!
Bipolar • Depression
Adult 18+

Transitioning through education - what supports are available?

Join a Youth Advisory Panel for a research project on support that is available to young people as they transition through education and into employment
Employment • Finance and mental health

Mental Health, Sleep and the Body Clock Priority Setting Survey

Have your say! What do you want to know about mental health, sleep and the body clock?
Body clock • Mental health
Young People 16-25

Understanding Peer Support in Youth Suicide

Peer support • Suicide

How engaging with early intervention services can change the lives of young people with psychosis

The lives of young people with psychosis are being transformed due to a new study focussing on early intervention.
Interventions • Psychosis
Young People 13-28

Tackling mental health inequalities for LGBTQ+ youth in schools

Investigating and identifying predictors of variation of LGBTQ+ mental health between schools.
Inequality • Interventions

New report shares solutions to school exclusions & youth violence

In research conducted by young people, the London PAC has revealed 11 feelings that young people believe need to be understood, with eight protective solutions to help tackle youth violence.
Violence and abuse • Young people
Adult 18+

NIHR Target Trials in Mental Health

Be part of the Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) which will provide independent guidance for two NIHR funded projects.

McPin invests in young people with new training academy

Described as an ‘invaluable experience’ by attendees, the programme explored lived experience in research, as well as the research process, methods and skills.
McPin • Young people

The Peer Action Collective Research Findings Summary October 2024

Summarising the findings from PAC's first phase of research in 2024, which focused on school exclusions and youth violence.
Violence and abuse • Young people

Potential research priorities for understanding and treating severe paranoia (persecutory delusions)

A priority-setting partnership between patients, carers, mental health staff, and researchers. Report for the SPPaRO project.
Adult 18+

Transitioning through education - what supports are available?

Join a Youth Advisory Panel for a research project on support that is available to young people as they transition through education and into employment
Employment • Finance and mental health
Young People 13-28

Story of my life - How do Young People under a Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Service story their lives?

Interventions • Mental health services

NIHR SPHR Public Involvement and Engagement Charter video

Public mental health

McPin responds to the Mental Health Bill

We hope that these reforms will bring more choice and agency for those whose lives are impacted by the Mental Health Act.
McPin • Policy and politics

McPin awarded £10,000 to help support workplace wellbeing

We will use the funding from the British Safety Council Keep Thriving programme to implement our wellbeing strategy, including skills and resilience training.

The Early Youth Engagement (EYE-2) intervention in first-episode psychosis services: Pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial and cost-effectiveness evaluation

The pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial and cost-effectiveness evaluation from the EYE-2 psychosis project.