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Project report
Work Well Evaluation
An evaluation of the Work Well project, an employment project operating in South London, which invested in local projects that tackled poverty and promoted social inclusion and employment
Mental Health Research Matters
#MentalHealthResearchMatters was a cross-organisation collaboration between the McPin Foundation, Mental Elf and the University of Oxford to share the importance of mental health research.
Our team
From research to operations, communications and public involvement, we’re united by a passion for mental health research and a mission to help put lived experience at its heart. Meet the team.
Visualising Public Mental Health
Public mental health affects us all – this new tool pulls together all the connected components in one visual framework
Inequality • Public mental health
Using kids' TV to help explain mental health
To mark Parent Mental Health Day, one of the McPin team shares why kids tv shows can be more than just entertainment for the little ones.
Maternal mental health • Young people
4 ways to find lived experience advisory opportunities in mental health research
Want to find out how you can share your personal experiences of mental health challenges to inform mental health research? Adeola Agunbiade shares her top tips.
#MentalHealthResearchMatters • Lived experience
Public Mental Health
Asking the question: what affects a population's mental health, and what does a mentally healthy population look like?
Mental health & the cost-of-living crisis
As 2022 continues to see rising energy prices & inflation, and lower benefits support, we look at how money will impact the nation’s mental health more than ever this year.
Finance and mental health
How does research benefit from a lived experience perspective?
McPin trustee, Naheen Ali, writes about the value of bringing your lived experience to mental health research.
#MentalHealthResearchMatters • Peer research
Awareness alone isn’t going to solve the mental health crisis
To mark Mental Health Awareness Week, a McPin Peer Researcher & Public Involvement Officer discusses the disparity between awareness-raising and the severity of the national mental health crisis.
Lived experience • Severe mental illness
Mental Health and Money Advice shows impact of joined up thinking
A McPin researcher shares why money and mental health are so closely linked, following an evaluation of the Mental Health and Money Advice service.
Finance and mental health
Endometriosis and mental health: exploring intersecting lived experiences
A McPin research manager shares their experience of 'endo', and how it impacts their mental health, for Endometriosis Awareness Month.
Lived experience • Physical health
The importance of the storyteller’s identity in mental health narratives
Mental health stories are important – but so is the identity of the storyteller. Following a new study on mental health storytelling, an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion consultant shares why.
Inequality • Stigma
Why collaboration is the key to the future of mental health research
McPin Deputy Research Director Dan Robotham shares his experiences of working with the UKRI mental health research networks.
Research methods
Young People's Network
Our Young People’s Network is a mailing list of young people who want to get involved in mental health research. Here you can make connections, learn new skills, have your say and lots more
Calling on Government to reinstate the 10-year mental health strategy
We’ve been involved with the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on a Fit and Healthy Childhood’s paper asking the Government to reinstate the cancelled 10-year Mental Health Strategy.
Inequality • Mental health services
Refugee and migrant inclusion in community mental health project evaluation
Thoughts on evaluating Active Lives, Healthy Minds, a community-based mental health and wellbeing project supporting refugees and migrants living in London.
Inequality • Mental health services
Can being in nature really boost our mental health?
To celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week, JJ Buckle soaks up the research on how nature can boost wellbeing.
Anxiety • Environment
Who are the 'experts by experience' in mental health research?
Before Laura left McPin in the summer 2016 to begin a PhD she wrote this blog exploring some of the issues about how we use our lived experience of mental health issues as researchers.
Lived experience • Research methods
Our minds, our rights: World Mental Health Day 2023
McPin Research Director Vanessa Pinfold considers the place - and future - of mental health research, and in particular lived experience, in the world during a time of flux.
Lived experience