Our impact

We work to ensure research achieves positive change, delivering mental health research and evaluations, supporting and shaping research, often advising on patient and public involvement strategies.

Young man using laptop with female student watching and smiling

About our impact

In 2022/2023 we worked on over 60 projects.

We explored virtual reality therapy in the gameChange project, formed a lived experience advisory panel and advisory networks for the CONNECT study, and concluded our employment project with Black Thrive Lambeth.

We delivered #MentalHealthResearchMatters, a successful online campaign, with UKRI, Mental Elf and University of Oxford.  

The key numbers


Lived Experience Advisory Group (LEAP) members


people across England who took part in our studies


peer reviewed outputs


projects we were involved with 

Our years in numbers

Each annual report outlines the key statistics that highlight the impact and reach of our work. Full financial figures on the Charity Commission website.

Work with us

We are always excited to hear from others who want to collaborate on mental health research. From delivering peer research to helping you with public involvement strategies and providing training, get in touch to chat.