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Discrimination against people with a mental health diagnosis
A paper on the qualitative analysis of reported experiences from the Viewpoint Survey study
Mental health services • Stigma
Experiences of discrimination among people using mental health services in England 2008-2011
Mental health services • Stigma
Project report
Liquidity and uncertainty: digital adaptation of a complex intervention for people with severe mental illness during the COVID-19 lockdown
A paper from the Care Partners study
Community • Interventions • Mental health services
Project report
Evaluation of a primary care-based collaborative care model (PARTNERS2) for people with diagnoses of schizophrenia, bipolar, or other psychoses
Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial PARTNERS2
Community • Interventions • Mental health services
Project report
Status of primary and secondary mental healthcare of people with severe mental illness
An epidemiological study from the UK PARTNERS2 programme
Community • Interventions • Mental health services
Project report
Perceptions of the key components of effective, acceptable and accessible services for children and young people experiencing common mental health problems
A report from the Blueprint study
Mental health services • Young people
Project report
PARTNERS2 Briefing Paper
A briefing paper for those putting practical steps in places in integrated care systems and primary care networks to better support people with schizophrenia, bipolar and other psychosis.
Interventions • Mental health services
Project report
Regional evaluation of the London pilot of Maternal Mental Health Services
A deep dive into women and staff experiences setting up, delivering and engaging with a new NHS England service supporting women who have experienced mental health challenges in the maternity period.
Maternal mental health • Mental health services
Project report
Acute day units in non-residential settings for people in mental health crisis: the AD-CARE mixed-methods study
A report on the AD-CARE project investigating the provision, effectiveness, intervention acceptability and re-admission rates of acute day units
Crisis • Mental health services • Research methods
Project report
Developing a Theory of Change for the SLaM ‘Wheel of Wellbeing’
The report from our project evaluating the Wheel of Wellbeing Theory of Change developed by the Mental Health Promotion Team at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM)
Mental health services • Public mental health
Wheel of Wellbeing theory of change evaluation
An infographic evaluating the Wheel of Wellbeing Theory of Change developed by the Mental Health Promotion Team at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM)
Mental health services • Public mental health
Research priorities for children and young people’s mental health infographic
Right people right questions: An infographic on how we got to the top 10 most pressing questions for children and young people's mental health
Mental health services • Young people
Project report
Research priorities for children and young people’s mental health supplementary report
Right people right questions: Top 10 most pressing, unanswered questions about children and young people’s mental health, we convened a Young People’s Advisory Group and steering group - supplementary
Mental health services • Young people
Project report
Research priorities for children and young people’s mental health: Interventions and services
Right people right questions: To identify the Top 10 most pressing, unanswered questions about children and young people’s mental health, we convened a Young People’s Advisory Group and steering group
Mental health services • Young people
Project report
Everywhere and everyone included? Research in NHS Mental Health Trusts in England
Recommendations for national policy makers and next steps around mental health research in NHS Trusts in England
Mental health services
Project report
Peer Support Employment Group Project Evaluation
An evaluation of the peer support element of an employment project run by Mind
Employment • Mental health services • Peer support
Project report
Camden VoiceAbility Peer Mentoring Programme Evaluation
This report describes the findings of a nine month evaluation into the work of the VoiceAbility Peer Mentoring Programme
Mental health services
Partners2: Approach to delivering PPI
Putting lay voices into primary care research : PPI strategies and early steps in the PARTNERS2 study
Bipolar • Mental health services • Schizophrenia
Project report
My Support Broker Evaluation Volume 2
Research and analysis describing the two-year evaluation of the MySupportBroker (MSB) independent peer support brokerage model of support planning - Volume 2
Finance and mental health • Mental health services
Project report
My Support Broker Evaluation Volume 1
This report describes the 2-year evaluation of the MySupportBroker (MSB) independent peer support brokerage model of support planning.
Finance and mental health • Mental health services